This Website is the property of the “no problem m’” located in France
The Website is hosted by OVH
In accordance with the provisions of the French law of January 6, 1978 regarding computer services, files and civil liberties, the automated processing of personal data performed on this Website has been declared to the CNIL. (Future number).
As the user, you are informed, in accordance with article 27 of the data protection, files and civil liberties law of January 6 1978, that any optional data you may choose to provide when completing the forms located on the Website allowing us to respond to your request, are intended for “no problem m’am”, which is responsible for the processing of the data, for administrative and business management purposes.
You are informed that you have a right to access and rectify all personal data regarding you by mailing to “no problem m’”
The images and any other component of the Website are the sole property of “no problem m’”. Any total or partial representation of this Website by any process whatsoever without the express authorization of “no problem m’am” is forbidden and shall constitute unauthorized reproduction penalized by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Code of intellectual property.
All of the rights of reproduction are reserved, including downloadable documents (logos, photos, and any type of information whatsoever…). Downloadable documents are also protected by copyright.
Similarly, databases appearing on the Website, which is protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code concerning incorporation of the European directive of March 11, 1996 regarding the legal protection of databases produced by the “no problem m’”.